Please refer to the calendar above about marching and concert dates. We will send reminders through email generally, but the information is listed below. Report times for marching events vary, but report times for ALL concert events are all 30 minutes before the concert either on stage or in the band room. Students will be told where their warmup is. All AHS concerts are free, football game tickets go through athletics.

Dress is listed under the concert dress portion of this site for both marching and concert events. There are 3 modes of dress for band: (1) informal marching uniform, (2) formal marching uniform, (3) concert dress. There’s very few questions about dress as a result.

If the band is performing, the band needs to be there. This isn’t a cafeteria style program. I am VERY choosy about what we perform in and do because I am respectful of your time and the fact kids are busy and do other things. We intentionally do a few less performances than we could with the philosophy that we will do fewer things that have 100% attendance and do them better than everyone else. 1-2 performances per semester are a grade.

MARCHING CONTEST- (2nd Period Upperclassmen)- I am happy to take the band or not. I have been repeatedly told by parents and students that we want to go do a few of these. I will prepare the band and we will go if that is the case. Do not come to me, however, with conflicts in the weeks before. If you want to do this, then commit to doing it. Do not put me or the band in the middle of a difficult situation otherwise. I will not perform with a marching band at a contest that is missing people. If we are doing the Saturday Contest thing then we are doing it. If we do not want to take the time and commit to that, that is also fine. I can plan a very successful band program either way, but I can’t plan for one thing and then have wavering commitment to it after the fact. I am doing my part to schedule and prep for these. Your part is next.

There are 4 Home Games and a possible play-off game. This is a big deal. These are huge performances where the entire community sees the band. Schedule around them. Everyone plays home games 9-12th Grade.

  • 3:30-4:30- Time to dress or take care of personal needs (homework) or socialize. Students who drive may leave campus if needed but can not drive other students.

  • 4:30- Dress in arts building

  • 4:40- Group Dinner (come dressed in line for food and attendance)

  • 5:40- Full Rehearsal in Auditorium

  • 6:30- March to Stadium

  • 6:45- Pre-Game on Field

  • 7:00- Game (the first game is 7:30)

  • 10:00- Pick Students Up

We do 1-2 Away Games rather than all to make sure at least half the Fridays are free for kids to do college visits or other activities. The band used to take pep bands to all away games so this is a shift. We tentatively put 2 this year because there are just 4 home games. Put them in your calendar. We will not attend others so that we can all have some weekends off. We are hesitant to fill all Fridays so do not request extra away games. Refer to the dress section- we will always use the “Informal Uniform” for Away Games.

  • 3:30- School Ends/ Students Go to Clubs, Homework, Personal Time

  • 4:00- Load Trailer

  • 4:30- Dinner

  • 5:30- Depart

  • 6:00- Arrive and Setup and give time for concessions

  • 7:00- Game Begins

  • 9:15- Game Ends (Tentative)

  • 10:30- Arrive and Picked up by parents