Troubleshooting/ Contacting Director

Have a question?

  • You get a monthly email from the directors about what is going on for the next month. Additionally, most information you need is on this website. However, if you can not find what you need my email is below.

What if there is an issue?

  • 160+ students… something will go wrong and it’s our job to take care of it. Occasionally kids are nervous about coming to high school the first time, meeting new people, and kids are super sensitive “post Covid” and have much more social anxiety than normal. The smallest thing can be stressful for them. Once school starts 9th graders especially are in a totally new and often scary environment. We want band to be their safe space. However, even in band there are occasional hiccups. Occasionally a kid or even adult staff member does something thoughtless. Sometimes even we do something thoughtless. It’s our job to fix it! We want your kids to be happy in the band. Encourage them to be open and talk to us whether it’s band related or not. We are here to help them. However, we also encourage you to help them to deal with their own problems, if possible, by coming to us. It’s 2nd or 3rd hand info coming from a parent, and I don’t like that. I want the 1st hand info and I want it quick. If there is any kind of issue or question, ask them if they came to a director first. Generally, them coming to us quick takes care of things quickest. BUT.. if they just don’t feel up to that or it’s very serious then PLEASE email ASAP. We take care of problems as fast as we hear about them whether it’s from a parent or a student. Just know, however, if Suzie Q gets hot on the field and needs a break the fastest way for that to happen is to tell us, not to text home to have a parent leave a message I won’t see for 4 hours. You won’t find directors more accommodating and easier going with kids than us. We’re not dictators or tyrants... tell them just to come talk to us and not be scared and we will probably solve 99% of issues on the spot. The 1%... we will call you or an administrator. 

How to Contact:

  • Email: I get emails super easily and respond quick. If I don’t something went wrong. I check my emails on my phone way more than I should. This is fastest:

  • Phone Messages: If you want to email me your number to call you for something I do that very quickly, but my office phone is used sparingly because I just don’t work in there much. Messages on my office phone will not be responded to quickly.

Stay Connected

  • Facebook

    The Asheville City Bands Facebook page is the way to stay connected with the band’s events and see pictures and videos of performances. The way social media works, of course, is that the more likes and shares something generates the more attention it garners. Make sure to follow the page.

  • Instagram

    Instagram is a platmorm more directed towards students and where we share more pictures than text. If you use this platform please follow the band page.

  • Remind

    Remind messages are used to post quick announcements or send you links and cut down on the number of emails. They are in so many different groups because we have a limit on the number in a group because we no longer have the paid version of remind as a school system.

    Text 81010 and put the code in the text:


    Woodwind Parents


    Brass Parents


    Percussion Parents
